Cordelia Gaffar: Multi-orgasmic Living & The Subconscious Mind

Описание к видео Cordelia Gaffar: Multi-orgasmic Living & The Subconscious Mind

In this episode, Cordelia Gaffar, CEO of Cordelia Gaffar Enterprises, delves into her transformative journey from a CFO to a homeschooling mom and eventually an entrepreneur dedicated to helping women embrace pleasure and live multi-orgasmic lifestyles. Cordelia shares her insights on navigating uncomfortable situations with curiosity and joy, choosing love over hate, and practicing forgiveness. She explores the deep connection between the body and the subconscious mind, emphasizing the importance of processing and feeling emotions.


00:00 Introduction and Background
03:30 The Concept of Multi-Orgasmic Living
10:37 Choosing Love and Pleasure in Interactions
21:34 Feeling and Processing Emotions
26:13 Conscious Awareness and Intentional Choices
27:51 Introduction and Bridging to the Spiritual Conversation
28:19 Choosing Islam for the Lifestyle
29:03 Food as Medicine and Healing Through Good Vibrations
30:36 The Concept of God as the Oneness
37:04 Islam as a Lifestyle and the Purification of the Heart
45:00 Challenging Patriarchy and Ignorance
53:48 Moving Towards Understanding and Love
56:00 Conclusion and Invitation to Subscribe


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