Is Jim Harbaugh worth $5 Million a Year?

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Charlie LeDuff was a student and cheerleader at the University of Michigan. This week, he returns to his roots in Ann Arbor for a special talk with the new man at Michigan: Jim Harbaugh.

Across the country, the highest paid people in 39 of the 50 states each state have one thing in common: The highest paid public employee is a basketball or football coach. Combined, the top 50 college coaches earned a total of $165 million in 2015. By comparison, the 50 governors of the United States earned a fraction of that: $6.5 million.

Not factored into those numbers is Harbaugh who was hired at the end of December. The former U-M quarterback left the San Francisco 49ers to come home to Ann Arbor.

"The decision was from the heart," he said. "I grew up here. Went to school here. Was a student athlete here at Michigan and I have a great love for Michigan."

Of course, he's also getting paid. Handsomely. He'll earn $5 million each year, behind only Nick Saban and Bob Stoops for the most by a college football coach in the country.

America is crazy about football but is $5 million per year is a lot of money. Charlie asked Harbaugh if he was worth that much. Coach's answer?


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