YouTube influencer Sam Zien takes in his first National Restaurant Show

Описание к видео YouTube influencer Sam Zien takes in his first National Restaurant Show

Sam Zien, better known to his nearly 4 million YouTube subscribers as Sam the Cooking Guy, clearly does not lack ideas. In addition to his years spent as a cooking personality on television and YouTube, he also has published six cookbooks and runs three restaurant concepts.

Yet, as he told Nation’s Restaurant News editor-in-chief Sam Oches during his first time ever visiting the 2024 National Restaurant Association Show, he saw countless things on the show floor in Chicago that ought to generate recipe ideas and content for quite a while.

Zien said his approach to cooking has not changed much even though his popularity as an influencer has grown. Whether he’s filming a YouTube video or developing a new menu item, he always strives to remain relatable to people without high-end culinary tastes or training. His talk with Oches broached that need for authenticity, as well as what’s next for his media and restaurant empire.

This is a special episode of Extra Serving, recorded at the National Restaurant Association Show and sponsored by Davo.

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