Lincoln Loud Error (Barney Error 10) [Part 27]

Описание к видео Lincoln Loud Error (Barney Error 10) [Part 27]

We are going through with part 27! Now part 28 is coming up!

What should I remember in part 28 of this error?

Vyber Psycho (Chances 680-676)
Forever Psycho (Chances 675-671)

Crimson (Chances 680-676)
Maroon (Chances 675-671)

Fighting Spirit

Time reduction:
Chance 680: 2 years, 8 months
Chances 679-677: 2 years, 6 months
Chances 676-674: 2 years, 4 months
Chances 673-671: 2 years, 2 months

Actions will do:
Putting his computer on sleep mode (Chance 680) [81]
Levitate Lincoln out of the error (Chance 675) [82]
Hitting Lincoln with a hammer (Chance 672) [83]


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