“The Greatest Love Of All” (Live Cover) - by Edzz x Melody Chan

Описание к видео “The Greatest Love Of All” (Live Cover) - by Edzz x Melody Chan

好多謝美聲雅聚、不倒翁共融運動協會舉辦今次嘅慈善籌款音樂會,我有呢個難得嘅機會可以出一分力,幫呢個協會籌集經費,幫助視力障礙朋友,當然要多謝Bella Melodia, Morley Lee, Karen Lee 嘅所有安排,購票到場嘅現場觀眾,鋼琴老師Melody Chan,仲有有份捐款贊助我哋嘅善長人翁!

Big thanks to Bella Melodia and The Daruma Inclusive Sports Association for this wonderful opportunity where I can contribute to the fund raising efforts through my direct donations as well as my performance at the concert! The Daruma Inclusive Sports Associaton’s objectives are to help the visually impaired and promote inclusive movement through organization of various sports activities and training courses for the visually impaired. Big thanks to Bella Melodia, Morley Lee, Karen Lee, and everyone who bought tickets and came to the concert!

#whitneyhouston #greatestloveofall #coverbyedzz #cover #coversongs #edzzstation #翻唱 #malecover
#edzztagram #bellamelodia #不倒翁共融運動協會 #美聲雅聚


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