Technological Journey - 126 - Is That a Supra?!?

Описание к видео Technological Journey - 126 - Is That a Supra?!?

Gregicality has fallen. We've summited one peak to only find another, higher peak behind it. Our journey is close, but far from ending. We have so much left to do. Our power is weakening, our crafting is slowing down. We have got to keep going. We're not giving up! We've come so far we're going all the way.


Time Stamps:
0:00 Intro
0:36 Cowabunga
1:56 Highly Dense Polymer Plate
9:16 Cosmic Mesh
26:16 Cosmic Neutronium Coils
28:06 UXV Super Conductor
32:21 Supra Causal Mainframe
43:11 Wrapup


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