SWAMI ANAND ARUN : Life as a Direct Disciple of Osho

Описание к видео SWAMI ANAND ARUN : Life as a Direct Disciple of Osho

Bodhisattva Swami Anand Arun is a prominent spiritual leader and meditation teacher from Nepal. He is a senior disciple of (Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh) and the founder of Tapoban, an international commune and forest retreat center in Kathmandu, Nepal. Swami Anand Arun has dedicated his life to spreading Osho's teachings and meditation techniques, conducting workshops, and guiding thousands of seekers around the world in their spiritual journeys. His teachings emphasize mindfulness, self-awareness, and the pursuit of inner peace. ‪@swamianandarun‬ ‪@swamianandarunhindi‬ ‪@swamianandarunnepali‬

#happinesspodcast #swamianandarun #namratasapkota #meditation #oshosanyasi #oshonepal#nepalipodcast


The Team

Namrata Sapkota


  / imnamratasapkota  

Niraj Thapa : Editor
Transforming footage into compelling narratives.

  / nrz.thapa  

Niraj Thapa & Diwas Panthi : Camera Crew
Capturing moments, framing stories, bringing visions to life.

  / diwas.panthi  

🎶Bikki Bazra

© Namrata Sapkota

हाम्रा भिडियोहरु हाम्रो लिखित अनुमतिविना डाउनलोड गरी युट्युब, फेसबुक वा अन्य ठाउँमा अपलोड गर्न पाइँदैन । हाम्रो अनुमतिविना नाफा कमाउने उदेश्यले यी भिडियो सार्वजनिक प्रसारण गर्न पनि पाइँदैन ।
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