Описание к видео THIS IS HOW RONALDINHO's SON LIVES in 2021 | Joao Mendes


Hello everyone! Do you remember Joao Mendes? Six months ago, we told you about the son of the legendary Brazilian Ronaldinho, who begins his football career at home and follows in the footsteps of his father.

Recently, the kid has already turned 16 years old! It's time to get the attention of the big clubs, isn't it?

In today's video, we will tell you how Ronaldinho's son lives now, whether he looks like his famous dad and what kind of tragedy happened in Ronnie's family lately.

Do you want to know how Ronnie's son is doing? Give a like to this video and let's get going!

Who is Joao Mendes, anyway?

Let us remind you who Joao Mendes is. Ronaldinho's son was born in 2005, when the Magician performed for Barça. Ronnie was married to the dancer Janaina Mendes, whom he met in one of the clubs in Rio de Janeiro. The footballer was happy when he had a son - it seemed that this occasion would finally change his partying lifestyle!

But that didn’t work out. Already in 2006, Ronaldinho and Janaina broke up. The football player, however, did not cool off to his son, as to his ex-wife - the boy grew up in a mansion in Rio de Janeiro on the full support of his stellar father. It is a pity that Ronnie himself didn’t meet his son - basically, they communicated only on Skype.

While little Joao was growing up in Brazil, Ronaldinho played in Europe for Barcelona and Milan, and also continued to actively go to parties and change girls. If you take an example from such a dad, then only football skills must be considered. This is what Ronaldinho Junior actually did.

Until the age of 13, Joao gained experience in the Flamengo academy, then his family moved from Rio, and there was the moment when the guy was there without a club. After some time he successfully passed the run-through at the Cruzeiro academy, where he still plays. There are still few highlights of Ronnie son's amazing moves on YouTube, so that many experts and representatives of “Cruzeiro” noted his talent: he quickly and skillfully acts in the attack and can be used in different positions.

How is Joao doing in 2021? How is his relationship with father?

So far, Joao has his fame at the expense of his magnificent father. Thanks to Ronaldinho, he has already had a contract with Nike for two years, although he is no beast yet in the football world - like Xavi Simmons, for example.

Does Ronnie spend time with his son? After completing his sports career, he began to devote much more time to Joao. Now these are not just Skype calls - Ronaldinho began to appear with his son at various events, and brought him to an exhibition with his portraits at Maracana.

The last photos with Joao appeared on Ronnie's Instagram at the end of 2019 - the father and son often spent time together, played beach soccer and hung out at home with friends.

2020 has been a difficult year for Ronaldinho, and it's not just the coronavirus pandemic. We are to note that a year ago, Ronnie celebrated his fortieth birthday in a Paraguayan prison! This is due to the fake passports with which the police detained Ronaldinho and his brother. The footballer tried to be released on bail of one and a half million euros, but the court left him in jail. He had to somehow act within a new regime - during his time in prison, Ronnie even managed to take part in a football tournament and won a piglet!

After Ronaldinho and his brother were released after a month in prison, they were placed under house arrest in a hotel. The Magician managed to return to Brazil only after another four months! The press claimed that by that time Ronnie had become practically bankrupt, but after his release he took up his mind and earned more than 700 thousand euros.

Moreover, in 2021, the whole Ronaldinho family had to rally to get through the tragedy that definitely shocked all relatives.

Comparing the career paths of Joao and his father

Well, let's not talk about sad things. Let's see how far the career of Joao Mendes can be developed and in what ways he will repeat the path of his father.

Ronaldinho was noticeable at the age of 13. He played for Belo Horizonte and scored 23 goals in one game against the opposing team - at that time many Brazilian media wrote about this event.

Ronnie's son was recognized when he went to Cruzeiro. Joao Méndez was the best of 88 youngsters on screening, and it wasn't because of the famous dad. At the overall selection, the guy didn’t tell anyone about his cool football genes and played along with the others. He was taken to the team because of his good skills and good dimensions for a forward - and only then it turned out that “Cruzeiro” signed the son of Ronaldinho himself.

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