Traders, Brothers, Enterprise, Company | | SSC, HSC | | মেসার্স, ব্রাদার্স, ট্রেডার্স, এন্টারপ্রাইজ

Описание к видео Traders, Brothers, Enterprise, Company | | SSC, HSC | | মেসার্স, ব্রাদার্স, ট্রেডার্স, এন্টারপ্রাইজ

Traders, Brothers, Enterprise, Company? মেসার্স, ব্রাদার্স, ট্রেডার্স, এন্টারপ্রাইজ কী?

Contact: 01829237209

What is traders, Brothers, Enterprise, Company:
Trading is a method by which a trader focuses on company-specific events to determine which stock to buy and when to buy it. To put this in perspective, consider a hypothetical trip to a shopping mall. In the mall, a fundamental analyst would go to each store, study the product that was being sold, and then decide whether to buy it or not.
While trading on fundamentals can be viewed from both short-term and long-term perspectives, fundamental analysis is often more closely associated with the buy-and-hold strategy of investing than it is with short-term trading. With that noted, the definition of “short term” is an important consideration.
Some trading strategies are based on split-second decisions and others that are based on trends or factors that play out over the course of a day, the fundamentals may not change for months or even years. At the shorter end of the spectrum, for example, the release of a firm’s quarterly financial statements can provide insight into whether or not the firm is improving its financial health or position in the marketplace. Changes (or lack of changes) can serve as signals to trade. Of course, a press release announcing bad news could change the fundamentals in an instant.
Trading has a real appeal to many investors because it is based on logic and facts. Of course, unearthing and interpreting those facts is a time consuming, research-intensive effort. Another challenge comes in the form of the financial markets themselves, which do not always behave in logical ways (especially in the short term) despite reams of data suggesting that they should.

হিসাববিজ্ঞান সংক্রান্ত আপনার জটিল সমস্যাটির সমাধান পেতে এখনি আমাদের ফেইসবুক গ্রুপটিতে জয়েন্ট করুন।



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