Refinishing Painted Aluminum Rims

Описание к видео Refinishing Painted Aluminum Rims

Refinishing Aluminum Rims. If your wheels have slow leaks, this covers basic overview of how to refinish painted aluminum rims to protect against corrosion and eliminate slow leaks. Goal was to be able to economically refinish the rims in a household garage with common tools. All the finishes were either brushed or applied from a spray can reducing the need for special equipment. Their are two steps that may need hired out, removing the tires and sandblasting. Overall to refinish average set of rims, took about 10 hours labor and several days dry time. Sandblasting took about 40 minutes per wheel, each coat of paint about 15 minutes per wheel. Check out the following link for more details and products used:

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  / derf  


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