+303 | Hydra Ultimate Attack TH16 | Day 2 | Legend League 11/2024

Описание к видео +303 | Hydra Ultimate Attack TH16 | Day 2 | Legend League 11/2024

Hydra Ultimate Attack TH16. My favorite fly combo is Spam Hydra 2.0 with skills with Clone loons, making this strategy easy, strong, and satisfying to use in TH16 in Legend League.

💥You can find all Tips for Hydra Combo here:
   • Hydra Tips  

My Account: ❤️suro❤️ https://link.clashofclans.com/en?acti...

Heroes's Equipment:
💥King: Spiky Ball + Earthquake Boots
💥Queen: Healer Puppet + Giant Arrow
💥Grand Warden: Eternal Tome + Healing Tome
💥Royal Champion: Seeking Shield + Rocket Spear

🎁Army Link (version 2.0): https://link.clashofclans.com/en?acti...
🎁CC Troops: Full balloons
🎁CC Spells: 2 Invisibility Spells + 1 Earthquake Spell

🌅My Website: https://cocbase.org
🌅Telegram: @clashwithxu
🌅TH 16 BASES: https://cocbase.org/index.php/categor...

My Device: iPhone X

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