I thought bleed had no RNG? | 493D Herrscher of Sentience 804 | SSS VQ / SS0 HS (Holmes)

Описание к видео I thought bleed had no RNG? | 493D Herrscher of Sentience 804 | SSS VQ / SS0 HS (Holmes)

The timing of bleed ticks are definitely bullshit lol. But with such little HP remaining, maybe it was also because Senti off-field feathers didn't crit. I dunno but what a pain in the ass lol. I'm officially giving up on 805 for this cycle.

If you want to kill on the 3rd tambourine hit at 2:20, then you must ensure both Senti ults crit at 1:41 and 2:10 (good luck lol). Other than that, your score depends a lot on your Senti SP farming techniques.

First, you want an immediate transition as shown in 1:19 (Herrscher of Sentience immediately turns red when phase 1 ends) as that has a direct impact on your score, so you have to roll for the right boss moveset. Do a full normal sequence on Susannah after to fill Confidence bar and get SP; use an evade to get closer before attacking if needed.

At 1:22 when Senti swaps in make sure to hit at least once with every weapon type; I prefer chain normal, sword combo, and spear combo. I get an ultimate evasion here for 2 team SP as well, which might be kind of tricky to get consistently. Make sure you pop the clone when using the spear combo to get Griseo's QTE. Swap back to sword and normal with it to home in on the red clone and use Griseo QTE.

When Senti swaps in at 1:35, hit once with sword and spear (press A then press B to swap, the swap should do a unique spear swing which will count as a spear hit). Note that the sword hit here will not give you the +2 bonus SP if you already got it from hitting the red clone at 1:30 like I did, because 5s would not have passed between the hits so the bonus SP ability is still on cooldown for the sword weapon. But if you didn't get the +2 SP earlier, you will get it now. Apart from farming SP these hits allow the shield to break so Senti's ult can deal damage.

At 1:57 there's still a tiny bit of extra time available before Griseo cooldowns reset, so you can evade cancel her normal 4 and add in an extra normal 1 and 2 for extra chip damage. If you have enough SP affixes and farmed SP well, Senti should be able to ult at the end without any delays.

At 2:14 there's a notable difference between this run and some others. Runs that pre-farm SP on Susannah by doing her combo during transition will not need to use combo here. This run's transition works a bit differently, it doesn't pre-farm Susannah SP and uses a different sequence that allows Griseo to ult earlier. That time gain is lost here because Susannah has to use combo (overall I think this run's method would be ~1 point slower), but you do get some extra damage from the combo which can help make up for it.

0:00 Bleed is bullshit
0:24 Stats
0:51 Run

NA Myriad #30

Dream with you! (Instrumental)
RabbitJ, Kinoko蘑菇
湛蓝曙日 EP
   • 【RabbitJ】Dream With You!「Punishing: G...  


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