"The MS that started it all..." GUNDAM BATTLE OPERATION 2 [FA MKII Gundam gameplay]

Описание к видео "The MS that started it all..." GUNDAM BATTLE OPERATION 2 [FA MKII Gundam gameplay]

Greetings there Ace pilots, this is a 550 rating match with the one and only suit that started it all, The FA MKll Gundam. This ms is a mid-range general suit with first time ever exculsive skill called "Active Guard". It allows this suit to tank and reduce dmg at 70% at the expense of using thrusters, but it cannot be manualy deactivated when taking a hit from a weapon that has a ability to stagger, meaning you are a sitting duck if you use this skill at the wrong place at the wrong time. Also this suit fails to fill out its role due to it's part slots and many others.
When comparing this suit to others that has this skill up to now, this suit has really fell out of the meta since it did not come with either skills like "Maneuver Armor" & "Emergency Evasion System". This suit really needs a HUGE BUFF to even compete at its own native cost up to 650. I hope that this suit can get it's buff at the end of the next month including others. Anyways, do enjoy this match and leave a like!


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