Ferata Falkensteig / Falkensteig Klettersteig / Falkert, Nockberge

Описание к видео Ferata Falkensteig / Falkensteig Klettersteig / Falkert, Nockberge

Vzpon na Falkert po ferati Falkensteig v čudovitih gorah Nockberge nad planino Heidi Alm
Nad idilično vasico Falkert ob istoimenskem jezeru in nad planino Heidi Alm se dviga dvatisočak Falkert, ki je le eden izmed mnogih vrhov v čudovitih Nockebergih. Falkert ima ravno toliko skalovja, da sta nanj, poleg planinskih poti, speljani tudi dve ferati. Težja obeh se imenuje Falkenteig in je dolga okoli 300 metrov, na katerih premagamo 160 višinskih metrov. Ferata z oceno D ima kar precej težkih in zahtevnih delov in je nikakor ne gre podcenjevati. Tik pred izstopom prečkamo most in se spustimo po previsnem delu nekaj metrov nižje odkoder nas do izstopa na pobočje Falkerta loči le še nekaj metrov. Do vrha Falkerta imamo potem še približno 10 minut hoje. Izlet si lahko popestrimo s sestopom do sedelca in pot nadaljujemo na sosednji vrh Rodresnock in se preko njega spustimo nazaj na planino.
Ferate se ne lotevajte brez ustrezne opreme, znanja in izkušenj.
(Datum plezanja: 01.09.2024)

Climbing The Ferata Falkensteig In The Stunning Nockberge Mountains At Heidi Alm
Above the idyllic village of Falkert by the lake of the same name and above the Heidi Alm mountain pasture rises the 2000-meter high mountain Falkert, which is just one of the many peaks in the beautiful Nockebergs. Falkert has just enough rock formations that, in addition to mountain trails, two via ferratas are also available. The more difficult of the two is called Falkenteig and is about 300 meters long, on which we overcome 160 meters in height. A ferrata rated D has quite a few difficult and challenging parts and should not be underestimated. Just before the exit, we cross the bridge and descend along the overhang a few meters below, from where we are only a few meters away from the exit to the Falkert slope. We then have about a 10-minute walk to the top of Falkert. You can spice up your trip by descending to the saddle and continue the journey to the neighboring peak of Rodresnock and descend back to the Heidi Alm parking lot.
Do not attempt via ferrata without proper equipment, knowledge and experience.
(Date of climb: September 01, 2024)

00:00 Intro
00:14 Dostop / Approach
00:26 Vstop in ferata / Entrance and via ferrata
06:39 Most / Bridge
07:58 Izstop / Exit


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