Dr Randall Smith – The Seven Churches - Part 5 - Sardis

Описание к видео Dr Randall Smith – The Seven Churches - Part 5 - Sardis

In this compelling and insightful DVD series on the letters of Revelation 2 & 3, which Jesus wrote to the seven churches of Revelation through the quill of John, you’ll feel part of perhaps the most impactful journey into the very life of the early Church – as expounded by guide, Dr. Randall Smith.

Fifth of Seven DVDs: SARDIS. In this letter Jesus addresses the key problem of the children of the Lord in Sardis, namely that they live on a reputation that they are alive, while they are actually dead. To them He reveals Himself as “He who has the seven spirits of God and the seven stars” (Revelation 3:1).

Touring the site of ancient Sardis, the tour group looked at a temple with massive columns, so big that it takes 5 people holding hands, to encircle a column. This temple was bigger than the Parthenon in Athens, although not as well restored.
This site is also home to a huge ancient bath complex and the largest synagogue in the world found outside Israel. Really an interesting and impressive site to tour.

In antiquity this was a wealthy city where gold was found and the first place where money was minted. Even in the time of the New Testament this was a place with significant wealth, but where the once vibrant church, in its walk with God, had lost its direction.

Please watch this DVD to see what Jesus advised them to do. And what we should do to avoid being called “dead” by Jesus Christ.
This is a super important message for our day!

This DVD was produced by Kerugma Productions, a faith-based venture that strives to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ by means of high quality media productions. For more information please visit our website www.kerugma.org
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