Power 2 The Peoples ! Jeffrey Wright´s A Bad Mothafock...

Описание к видео Power 2 The Peoples ! Jeffrey Wright´s A Bad Mothafock...

I Feel Bad for Wright....His Peoples Hernandez Should be one of the Classic Villains! Word is bond. Had he only ended up in a better movie!So,Heres 6 Min.of The Man... He is basically the reason you should watch SHAFT. A Latino actor who surprised us all by being a black man! Now thats Acting.hehe:) Hes funny, arrogant,He shows selfrestrain,He goes Mental,He loves baseball, golf and his younger brother.. And have to deal with the fact that he might control ´n rule HIS kingdom,but when he steps out of it,he´s judged in silence and seen as a common thug.This makes 4 a potentally complex Bad Guy,And Wright just...does everything right! !! PEOPLES LIVES


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