The demand for part-time workers will continue to be great (perhaps greater than the supply) in the UK. At the same time, part-time job seekers will continue to flood the job market. Someone holding a regular or full-time job today may find himself seeking a part-time job as his circumstances change. This may be occasioned by a change in the family situation, goal, immigration status, residency, or the desire to pursue higher education. The challenge faced by many is knowing how to find a part-time job in the UK, especially one that will enable them to support themselves in their new circumstance that is placing new demands on their time. This video provides some practical suggestions that can help with this.
Would You Find It?
Whatever your motivation for seeking a part-time job, be assured, first and foremost, that there are lots of employers out there who are interested in part-time workers. As we’d see in this video, please note that you need to act and be ready to step out of your comfort zone.
Understandably, you must have had some criteria for your preferred job. The fact is, you may and may not find it. It all depends on your skills and how much demand exists for them. This requires some flexibility on your part. You also need to be open-minded so as to consider objectively the available job options. Yes, you will find a part-time job if your heart is prepared as suggested here. But how? Please patiently follow along.
Holding Down Your Present Job
We’re directing this suggestion to someone already living and working in the United Kingdom. You can consider the possibility of staying with your current employer. If you’ve been diligent in the discharge of your duties and have maintained good working relationships, you’ll be less dispensable. It shouldn’t be too difficult to negotiate a conversion of job from full-time to part-time. You may still be able to retain your current role and work out a win-win resolution.
Of course, this is something your employer has to legally consider. If there are no legal implications or clear conflict with the business goal and objective, you may get a nod. It’s possible to have your responsibilities shared among others in the system or with another part-time worker. In that case, your full-time position will be split between two part-time workers.
If either you or your employer doesn’t think your kind of job could be done part-time, you may seek other roles within that same organization, perhaps ones advertised as part-time. Your experience and company knowledge could well be considered an asset.
Importance of a CV
When you have to move out of your present organization, you need to rejig your CV and have it updated. Be it your first professional part-time job or changing a job, a well-written and well-structured CV is something your potential employer needs to access you in absentia. Just be factual and mention your inherent skills, work experience, and education details.
Resist the temptation to lie or add skills or any information that doesn’t represent you. Don’t forget that we are in a global village connected by the Internet. Simple calls and background checks are all that are needed to verify the information and expose you if you are caught lying.

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