打擊樂之歌 Our Journey, Our Song- Ju Percussion Group

Описание к видео 打擊樂之歌 Our Journey, Our Song- Ju Percussion Group

[Our Journey, Our Song - Ju Percussion Group]

Our Journey, Our Song-Ju Percussion Group” composed by HUNG Chien-Hui of Ju Percussion Group, will be included in the concept video clip produced by director Chou Tung-yen and Very Mainstream Studio. This song represents the fruit of hard work of our group. For thirty years, in order to promote percussive music, we as being percussion group pursued the world-class stages in theatres or participated internationally known art festivals to perform whether domestically or internationally. On the other hand, we have been performing in every alleys, public places, religious sites, campus, parks, or tourist attractions, regardless the heavy instruments, to attract more audiences and entertain our loyal music fans.

Starting from Taiwan and reaching to the world, Ju Percussion Group has been in the artistic field for 30 years. Well-known by its various performing style, blending the conventional and contemporary professional performances and mainly focusing on cross-over innovative explore to be its soul of art, not only well-received by the domestic audiences but also won the applause by international music scene. By 2nd, Jan., 2016, Ju Percussion Group will be celebrating 30th anniversary, we would love to go back to the very start and let our heartbeats lead the way. Let the percussion become the momentum of our lives, the source of the innovative spring and the best outreaching method of cultural exchange. With everlasting passion and unstoppable paces, the beats of drums cannot cease. Let us look forward to a brighter future. A journey has unfolded with more delicate, more depth and broader point of views before our eyes. We believe Taiwanese percussion could shake the world enthusiastically.

藝術總監 | 朱宗慶
Artistic Director | JU Tzong-Ching

演出人員 | 朱宗慶打擊樂團
Performer | Ju Percussion Group

作曲 | 洪千惠
Composer | HUNG Chien-Hui

企劃製作 | 狠主流多媒體有限公司
Associate Produced by Very Mainstream Studio

導演 | 周東彥
Director | CHOU Tung-Yen
副導 | 孫于甯 何綺
Assistant Director | SUN Yu-Ning, HO Chi
攝影 | 黃宏錡 羅偉恩 王政一
Cinematographer | HUANG Hung-Chi, LO Wen-En, WANG Cheng-Yi
攝影助理 | 盧彥中 張荷澤 孫紀明 高仁皓 劉家豪
Assistant Cinematographer | LU Yan-Chung, CHANG He-Ze, SUN Chi-Ming, KAO Jen-Hao, LIU Ku-Hao
吊臂操作 | 李少川 賴騰彥 張智發
Crane Operator | LI Shao-Chuan, LAI Teng-Yen, CHANG Chih-Fa
剪輯 | 孫于甯
Editor | SUN Yu-Ning
側拍記錄 | 郭人豪
On-Site Recorder | KUO Jen-Hao
燈光 | 李紹榮
Gaffer | LI Shao-Jung
燈光助理 | 楊宇軒 吳偉杰
Best Boy | YANG Yu-Hsuan, WU Wei-Chieh
調光 | 詹謹嘉
Colorist | CHAN Chin-Chia
音響工程 | 唐宋音響
Sound Engineering | Top Sound
場務 | 何綺 吳亭潔 葉昭宏 吳祥溢 郭宇庭 周科旻 曾智威 李欣穎 周亞璇 陳佳琪 沈斈旻 廖桑
Production Assistant | HO Chi, WU TJ, YEH Chao-Hung, WU Hsiang-Yi, KUO YU-Ting
CHOU Ke-Min, TSENG Chih-Wei, LI Hsin-Ying, CHOU Ya-Hsuan, CHEN Chia-Chi, SHEN Hsuen-Min, Mr. LIAO
造型 | 徐靖雯
Stylist | HSU Ching-Wen
梳化 | 蔡旻錦 蔡燕菁 孫友華 朱珉萱
Makeup Artist | TSAI Min-Chin, TSAI Yen-Ching, SUN Yu-Hua, CHU Min-Hsuan
Executive Producer|HUANG Shih-Yu
行政協力|吳亭潔 莊中辰
Administrative Assistant|WU TJ, CHUANG Chung-Chen
錄音 | 白金錄音室
Recording | Platinum Studio

Special Thanks to

National Performing Arts Center-National Theater & Concert Hall
North Coast & Guanyinshan National Scenic Area
Yangmingshan National Park
Wanhua Precinct, Taipei City Police Department
Taipei Confucius Temple Governing Board
Hydraulic Engineering Office, Public Works Department, Taipei City Government
Taipei Raohe Street Night Market Governing Board
關渡平原地主 洪先生
Guandu Plain Landlord Mr. Hung
Film Development and Production Center, Kaohsiung City Government
Kaohsiung Rapid Transit Corporation
The PIER-2 Art Center


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