Darth Vader: Unbreakable

Описание к видео Darth Vader: Unbreakable

Happy Halloween everyone. This was a video I had planned for a long time, and finally got around to doing it.

If you are interested in seeing the full-sized version of the thumbnail I used for this video, you can find it here:


Created: 10-27-'15

Music: Unbreakable
Artist/Band: Bon Jovi
Video: Star Wars Saga Movies, Rebels Season 2 and Holonet Promos, Battlefront Trailer, Force Commander Trailer, Force Unleashed 1, 2, and Trailers
Company: Lucasfilm & Disney

I do not own either the video or audio content on this video; the purpose of this video is intellectual stimulation and no profit was sought or received in relation to this video


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