SBE Switchback Energy | ChargePoint EV Stock Analysis

Описание к видео SBE Switchback Energy | ChargePoint EV Stock Analysis

#ev #spac #chargepoint #sbe
SBE (Switchback Energy) is an SPAC; they went public in 2019 with the goal of looking for a private EV charging company to acquire in a reverse merger.  They found one in ChargePoint, a dominant player in the EV charging infrastructure market.  They will soon acquire them in a reverse merger.

Is this new merged company an EV stock that you want to buy and own for the long term, is it a short term trading opportunity, or should you stay away entirely? Let's cut through the hype and try to figure it out.

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As always, I thank you for all the support on the channel. I’m excited about connecting with people that are passionate about money and investing, and it wouldn’t be possible without you guys! Thank you for spending time on the channel, asking questions, sharing and liking the videos. I appreciate all of the feedback, both positive and negative on how I can make this channel better. Thanks for watching and I hope you enjoy! :D  

Business Inquiries: [email protected] 
About Darcy MacDonald 

I'm a freelance IT consultant, real estate investor and business owner in Nova Scotia Canada. I’ve been working on and leading IT projects throughout North America over the past 25 years. I specialize in system architecture, IT security and DevOps practices and tools. I’ve been a DIY investor since I was a teenager and I’m extremely passionate about financial education and personal wealth literacy. I truly believe we all need to take responsibility for our own finances in order to build stronger families and communities. If I can help do that in some small way then that’s tremendously gratifying. 
Disclaimer: The views and opinions shared on this channel by Darcy MacDonald are for informational and educational purposes only. This is not financial advice. Always do your own research and due diligence before investing.


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