Advance Carpenter Ant Bait for DIY Pest Control

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Advance Carpenter Ant Bait for DIY Pest Control

Looking for Carpenter Ant Control products so you can do it yourself?

This is a easy to apply carpenter ant bait product that will take care of your carpenter ant problems, the first time!
Advance Carpenter Ant Bait, Abamectin is the number one product specially formulated under Prescription Treatment by the BASF Company; to kill carpenter ants. Carpenter Ant Bait can be used indoors and outdoors to control ants.
This carpenter ant bait formulation provides for the carpenter ant's dietary needs while using the delayed-action insecticide abamectin.

Looking for Carpenter Ant Control Products then look no further than for Advance Carpenter Ant Bait or call us to place an order at 1-888-523-7378.


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