What God Wants From Us | A Story About Robes | Sathya Sai Baba Real Life Experiences

Описание к видео What God Wants From Us | A Story About Robes | Sathya Sai Baba Real Life Experiences

In the glorious Indian tradition, whenever students complete their eductaion under a Guru, they offer Gurudakshina or a 'token of gratitude' to the teacher. This was a practice adopted by the students of the Sri Sathya Sai Educational Institutions. But the challenge was to come up with an appropriate gift to give.

In 2004, the students came up with an idea to gift 3 coloured robes to Swami on behalf of the outgoing batch. What happened next, was unimaginable. It thrilled all the students' hearts. But more than that, the incident provided indelible insights into what is the best offering to make to Swami. That is something He Himself has asked for - Patram (leaf), Phalam (fruit), Pushpam (fruit) and Toyam (water). But what do these actually signify?


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