Erie Eats: History of Erie Canal Foodways

Описание к видео Erie Eats: History of Erie Canal Foodways

Food is the most basic building block of human life. We all need it to survive and thrive. But where does our food come from? How does it get to where we can eat it? Who decides what products will be available to us to eat? The answers to all of these questions, for people in Upstate New York and throughout the United States, were radically transformed by the completion of the Erie Canal in 1825 and continued to change dramatically over the next 200 years as the Canal itself changed.

Explore the history of the Erie Canal Corridor in more depth with these hybrid evening speaking programs. Registrants will be able to participate live either in-person or on Zoom and will receive a recording link. Sign up for an Annual Pass to get access to previous recordings and Deeper Dives for the rest of the year:


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