FM 6th Annual Conference 2013: The realities of setting up in Malta

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Panel discussion at the FinanceMalta 6th Annual Conference 2013 held on the 26th April 2013.

Malta has been successful in attracting a number of foreign businesses to set up operations locally, but what is it like for the expatriates that come to Malta to run these operations? Do we make it easy for them? What are their personal experiences? Where and what can we improve? The panel consists of four expatriates who have moved to Malta, and they candidly share their views and provide recommendations as to how we can facilitate this process.

Moderator: Mr Kevin Valenzia - Partner, PwC, Malta
Panellists: Mr Noel Vella - Chief Financial Officer, Clive Capital
Mr Konstantin von Jagow - CEO, Munich Re of Malta plc, Malta
Mr Stefan Mast - Executive Director, Lufthansa Malta Pension Holding Ltd.
Mr Barry Woestenburg - Managing Director, H&P Corporate Services (Malta) Ltd.
Mr Carsten Schaefer - Chief Financial Officer, Tipico Co. Ltd.

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