Argentine Tango: Gustavo Naveira & Giselle Anne - Gloria (lyrics Eng. & Sp.)

Описание к видео Argentine Tango: Gustavo Naveira & Giselle Anne - Gloria (lyrics Eng. & Sp.)

Gustavo Naveira & Giselle Anne dance to "Gloria" - Donato Racciatti y su orquesta Típica with Nina Miranda @ the Friday Milonga hosted by Victoria Codru at Ripley Grier Dance Studios, New York City. Friday, November 18, 2022.
Tenés vento, sos un gran señor,
pero a mí no me vas a engrupir
con tus frases de mentido amor,
perdés tiempo,.ya podés seguir.
Desde el pique, viejo, te juné
la intención de quererme comprar,
pero yo soy de buen pedigrée:
a otra puerta andá a golpear.

Viejito, salú.
Podés espiantar
que mi juventud
no es flor pa’tu ojal.
La gloria que vos
a mí me ofrecés,
guardála mejor
para otra mujer.
Mi pibe no es
bacán de bastón,
pero, has de saber,
tiene corazón,
y soy para él,
pues yo bien lo sé:
¡no hay gloria mayor
que la del amor!


You've got money, you're a big man
but you're not going to fool me
with your sweet talk and fake love.
You're wasting your time, move on now.
From the start, I sussed
your plan to buy my love.
But I'm of a better pedigree than that,
go knock on someone else's door!

Come on Grandad,
good luck and be off with you!
My tender years are not a flower for your lapel;
The glamour that you offer
is better kept for another woman.
My guy isn't going to be
a sugar-daddy with a walking stick.
But you have to understand,
she has feelings,
and I'm for him,
then I know well enough:
there's no greater glory
than that of love.

*gloria - glamour, pride, prestige. The original title of Glorias (glamorous things) suggests the translation I have given rather than the often assumed Glory. In this sense, Gloria is what linguists call a "false-friend", a word that looks as though it should be a direct translation of a familiar looking word but sometimes isn't, as here.
Ultimately, I defer to the cliché - the glory of love, in the last verse.

English translation by Paul Bottomer ©


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