There are people born with a silver spoon, and there are people who make themselves successful; then there are those who are both successful and born in affluence. Alisha Moopen, Executive Director and COO, Aster Hospitals and Clinics, is a classic example of the third and rare category. Even as she belonged to a billionaire family, Alisha scripted her success on her own terms.

Daughter of the healthcare tycoon Dr. Azad Moopen, probably the easiest career choice for Alisha would have been to lead her father’s business. On the contrary, choosing the obvious was never Alisha’s cup of tea. Mentored by her father to always follow her heart, Alisha chose Business, Accounting & Finance over the family business of Medical Science. In fact, post her studies Alisha went on to work in the strict corporate discipline of Ernst & Young in London, for seven long years, far away from the comforts of her family owned business. Indeed, an admirable virtue that proves that even as Alisha belonged to an upscale pedigree, she never took anything for granted. It is not surprising that even when she decided to join her family business, she was only offered a narrow and a very definitive role, so that she could figure out if she fitted the bill.

Alisha is indeed a true inspiration for the way she has lead her career. Besides, balancing her life and work at such a young age, she has ensured that she follows her heart, chases her dreams and backs up the profession of her choice with her educational expertise. No wonder that today, although she is the Executive Director and COO of Aster Hospitals & Clinics, she feels blessed to have her family as her support system, who always encouraged her vision.

I have often believed that ambition means nothing unless you have a purpose attached. Alisha is every bit of ambition combined with enthusiasm and purpose. She is the true embodiment of a modern woman, with a mind of her own and full of aspirations. The one thing that resonates with me deeply is her definitive focus that endeavours to empowering people on wellness.

Do write in if you know of any individual who inspires you, with whom you can identify yourself and your aspirations, who makes you believe that Yes! This is who I want to be!!
Tons of love,

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