LASCIA CH’IO PIANGA (Organ Solo) - G.F. Händel

Описание к видео LASCIA CH’IO PIANGA (Organ Solo) - G.F. Händel

Roberto Bertero at the organ of Turin’s Santuario della Consolata (Church of the Virgin of the Consolation).

Finding ourselves in Holy Week, this video will feature “Lascia ch'io pianga”, a famous aria for soprano composed by Georg Friedrich Händel.
After previous uses in other operas composed by him, Händel reused this aria in the second act of Rinaldo, with a new text, entrusting it to the character of Almirena while addressing to his jailer Argante.
Rinaldo was a great success for Händel, so the aria is commonly associated with that opera and is mainly known in its form in the latter.
The aria in Rinaldo is written in F major, in the sarabande rhythm with a meter of 3/2 and a Largo pace indication. The instrumentation includes violins I and II, viola and continuous bass.
The aria has established itself as a concert piece, performed and recorded by many great artists and has been included in the soundtrack of various films.
The version recorded here is my organ arrangement which seems relevant to me to present on Holy Saturday in order to underline the importance of sadness in our lives, especially in a society that no longer wants to face suffering and sacrifice.
It is only through fully experienced pain that joy can acquire a complete meaning!

Welcome to this YouTube channel aimed at providing some quality online documentation concerning the "Camillo Guglielmo Bianchi" organ located in the Consolata Sanctuary, Turin (Italy).
Audio or audio-video file will be regularly uploaded, all recorded LIVE.
The sound will be captured with Zoom H5 audio recorder (96kHz / 24bit), while footage will be filmed with Canon EOS 5D Mark IV.

The intent is to create a database of the musical literature performed by me, titular organist in this prestigious sanctuary, right during the religious services along the Liturgical Year or during the organ auditions, between one Mass and another.

Roberto Bertero website
Free Download High Quality Mp3

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Organ built by Camillo Guglielmo Bianchi (year 1864), Restructured by Carlo Vegezzi Bossi (year 1889).

Mechanical transmission
2 manuals 61 notes
Pedalboard with 27 parallel keys (12 real, then repeated from C 13)
Interlocking handcuff register control
7 bellows
Terza mano
Voce Umana S                   
Bombardino 16' B            
Tromba 16' S                    
Trombone 8' B                  
Trombe 8' S                       
Clarone 4' B                     
Corno Ing. 16' S                
Cornamusa 8' S              
Voci Corali 16' S                
Oboe 8' S                            
Viola 4' B                         
Violone 8' B                      
Violino 8' S                         
Corno Dolce 16' S              
Flauto Trav 8' S                 
Flauto 4' B                     
Flauto 4' S                        
Ottavino S                 
Cornetto I                         
Cornetto II
Principale 16' B
Principale 16' S
Principale 8' I B
Principale 8' I S
Principale 8' II B
Principale 8' II S
Ottava I B
Ottava I S
Ottava II B
Ottava II S
- PEDAL:                  
Bombarde 16'                    
Trombone 8'                     
Unione Tastiere       
Contrabbasso 16'
Bassi 8'
Ripieno 9 file Ped
Tasto Pedale II
Principale 8' B                
Principale 8' S                   
Ottava 4'  B                        
Ottava 4' S                       
XXVI- XXIX              
Arpa XII B                      
Arpa XII S                   
Fagotto B
Trombe S
Clarone 8 B
Violoncello 8' S
Corno Ing.8' S
Viola 8' B
Violino 2 canne S
V.Flebile S
Cornetto II S
Flauto Trav 8' B
Ottavino S


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