Описание к видео FALL GUYS - LEADERBOARD WHEEL CUSTOMS | Livestream

Welcome everyone to a CUSTOM LOBBIES LIVESTREAM. Accepting anyone of any skill level - the casuals, or the sweats out there. This will be WHEEL PICKS from the FAVOURITES TAB.

How to get your name on the Leaderboard? You must:
- Win the match - 2 points if Sole winner; 1 point if multiple winners OR instant-finale win;

How to get your name on the wheel? You must:
1. Qualify or Eliminated at the number drawn. E.g. if I draw number 3, you must be the 3rd to qualify/be eliminated;
2. Be a Cheese Legend member & in the stream (put on the wheel every hour - please remind me as I may forget);
3. Any form of donation (please DO NOT do this to get on the wheel, it's only a CHANCE to get chosen)
- If your name is already on the wheel, and one of the 2 applies, you'll have your odds INCREASED.

Once your name is drawn your name will be removed except under special or discretion circumstances. The only show you can't choose is the one we just played, and show chosen must fit the player count. Lastly, if your name was drawn last match and drawn again you WILL NOT be able to choose again due to fairness. Good luck everyone!

Shows available for Winner Picks in favourites' tab today (in order of LOWEST MINIMUM COUNT):
- Button Bashers Royale (2-16)
- Blast Ball Trials (5-30)
- Hex-a-gone Trials (5-20)
- Hex-a-thon (5-20)
- Ring Hexathlon (5-20)
- Jump Around (5-30)
- Lily Leaper Limbo (5-40)
- Hoverboarding Time (5-25)
- Slime Survivours (5-24)
- SOLOS (5-40)
- Duos (8-32)
- Fall Ball Cup (8-32)
- Blast Ball Bangers (10-26)
- Jungle Jumble (10-60)
- Party Time Tumble (10-60)
- Slime Climb Time (10-40)
- Slime Scraper Time (10-40)
- Thin Ice Trials (10-20)
- Tip Toe Tournament (10-25)
- X-treme Solos (11-40)
- Finals Marathon (14-16)
- KNOCKOUT (21-32)
- Hard Mode (36-40)
- Fan Favourites (36-40)

General Rules (for chat & game):
- No heavy amount of Profanity (fair amount of swears are fine, but don't overdo);
- No Spamming, unless I say so!
- No words used to insult certain groups of people;
- No strong sexual references;
- NO BULLYING PEOPLE IN THE CHAT - bantering is fine, but no bullying!
- No suggesting who to raid, unless asked!
- No suggesting who NOT TO RAID WITHOUT A STRONG REASON (saying you don't like them IS NOT A REASON)!!!
- No asking for Mod!!
- No CUSTOM MAPS, unless mentioned!
- No targetting, when not necessary!
- No teaming in free-for-all matches.
- Overall, don't be strongly obnoxious, both in chat & game!

Importantly, hope you guys have fun!


Информация по комментариям в разработке