11 Sales Motivation Ideas to Get You to Make That Next Call

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1. Get clear on why you need to be successful.

There’s no such thing as a professional goal in sales. Everything is personal.

Everything comes down to why do you need to pick up that phone to close that sale—whether it’s to ultimately pay that bill, send your kid to college, or save for a down payment on a house. Whether it was that new house, or money for my family, I knew exactly what it was—so every time I picked up that phone, every time I set a new meeting, it was getting me that much closer to my personal why.

2. Know exactly what you have to sell in order to achieve your personal goals.

Notice that I didn't use the word quota, and I didn’t say professional goals.
What matters is that you get specific about what you need to sell in order to achieve your personal goals.

3. Break down the activities on a daily basis.

So many salespeople lack sales motivation simply because they feel overwhelmed. They feel like they can’t possibly do everything they need to do in order to accomplish their goals. As a result, salespeople get into a pattern where they’ll keep putting off those sales activities for a day or two.

4. Make your activity the most important objective of each day.

Many salespeople miss the boat on this because they're focused on making sure that they hit their sales numbers on a weekly or monthly basis. But what really matters is your sales activity.

5. Delegate non-sales activity to others.

Far too many salespeople get bogged down with non-sales activities.Whatever it is, the more you can give that to someone else, the more money you're going to make, and the more money you’re going to be worth to your company. You become a complete necessity to any company if you focus the majority of your time on sales activity.

Get rid of anything that is not sales-related.

6. Use a selling system that actually works.

Success reinforces sales motivation. There’s nothing more discouraging than salespeople who aren’t using the right approaches. All of that effort is really wasted.

7. Think of selling as a sport.

Sales is a sport. It's not personal. It's not about getting your feelings hurt. It's truly a sport, and the more you can start to think of it that way, the more successful you'll be.

8. Celebrate even your small successes.

If you're watching this video, and you're really feeling down, I want you to know we've all been there. Sometimes, when we get to the bottom of the sales motivation curve, we start to overlook any little successes we have.

9. Examine your setbacks.Learn from your setbacks.

Some people might call it failure, but I genuinely don’t believe that you can fail in sales. The only way you fail in sales is if you quit.Until you quit, you have not failed. You're only experiencing setbacks.

10. Focus on small steps consistently.

Taking small steps is integral to success on any level. Whether it's a kid getting through school, or an adult just working on developing their own career, small steps are crucial.
Kids can’t wait to get to college, but many of them don’t start seriously thinking about it until they’re juniors in high school. By that point, the battle has already been won or lost.

11. Take risks and scrape your knees.

Most salespeople are afraid of making mistakes in selling situations.Be willing to take those risks—and be willing to scrape your knees.

So, there you have it. There are 11 sales motivation ideas to get you to make that next call. I want to hear from you. Which of these ideas do you find most useful? Be sure to share your ideas below in the comment section to get involved in the conversation.


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