Spotting The Pathological Liar: 10 Subtle Characteristics

Описание к видео Spotting The Pathological Liar: 10 Subtle Characteristics

Have you ever had an experience with a person who always seems mysterious and nothing they say ever comes to fruition?

Well…if so, you might have been dealing with a sociopath, narcissist, or even a pathological liar. This article will discuss 6 important characteristics we should all be aware of with the pathological liar.

In this video, I discuss characteristics of pathological liars and typical disorders that involve pathological lying. I focus on the following characteristics and define them for you:

Habitual/frequent lying that is consistent
Triangulation (which I will discuss further next week)
Listening to respond ONLY
Manipulating you into "playing" roles in their life
Seducing you
Exaggerating things to distract from the truth
Using emotions to control and dominate
Studying you and looking for your weakness
Rehearsing their lines and lies

There are also common characteristics of pathological lying that can be found in the following diagnoses:

Oppositional defiant disorder
Conduct disorder
Juvenile Delinquency

Borderline Personality Disorder
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Antisocial Personality Disorder "sociopaths" and "psychopaths"
Histrionic personality

To view my article on 6 Subtle Characteristics of Pathological Liars click here:


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