Unity Parkour & Climbing AI QuickStart

Описание к видео Unity Parkour & Climbing AI QuickStart

Parkour And Climbing AI - https://assetstore.unity.com/packages...

Parkour and Climbing system - https://assetstore.unity.com/packages...

In this video, we'll look at how to use the Parkour and Climbing AI asset to create AI characters in Unity that can traverse environments using parkour and climbing actions.
The asset will be released soon on the Unity's asset store

This asset allows you to create AI Characters that can traverse complex environments in games using various parkour and climbing actions. You can easily create Enemy characters or Friendly NPCs that follow the player wherever they go using parkour.

This asset utilizes Unity's Navmesh system along with our pathfinding system for finding paths through climbable and jumpable points. Since it uses the built-in Navmesh system, you can use the Navmesh API and easily integrate it with your own systems (like combat system, shooting system, etc.)


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