【Unboxing Gaharu kalimba 🇮🇩 】« Sanpo (Stroll) | さんぽ | 산보 | 散步 » (Totoro | となりのトトロ | 토토로 | 龍貓)

Описание к видео 【Unboxing Gaharu kalimba 🇮🇩 】« Sanpo (Stroll) | さんぽ | 산보 | 散步 » (Totoro | となりのトトロ | 토토로 | 龍貓)

00:00 Sound test of the 17-key #Gaharu kalimba in C major (C調 | C키), made in Indonesia 🇮🇩
Special thanks to Gaharu (‪@rbimayb1897‬) for sending me this beautiful kalimba made of Indonesian silver oak wood and equipped with premium LingTing (‪@LingTing‬) tines.

購入リンク | 구입 링크 | 購買連結 | To purchase a Gaharu kalimba, message Gaharu on Instagram:
  / gaharukalimbaofficial  
Chromatic models are also available.


0:23 試奏曲 | 시주곡 | 試彈曲 | Demo song:
"Sanpo (Stroll) | さんぽ | 산보 | 散步" from the Studio Ghibli (スタジオジブリ) film, My Neighbour #Totoro | #となりのトトロ | #이웃집토토로 | #龍貓 (豆豆龍)
編曲 | 편곡 | Arranged by 婉婉老師(‪@kalimbamusic920‬)
楽譜 | 악보 | 曲譜 | tab:
page 1 https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=...
page 2 https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=...

I used a couple of small magnets for the accidentals (♯ and ♭).

Join me on the Kalimba Community on Discord!
  / discord  

#indonesia #kalimba #kalimbacover #kalimbatabs #ghibli #カリンバ #칼림바 #卡林巴 #拇指琴


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