Smooth Line Tool ArcGIS Pro

Описание к видео Smooth Line Tool ArcGIS Pro

Smooth Line Tool, Generalization Toolset, Cartography Toolbox
Smooths sharp angles in lines to improve aesthetic or cartographic quality.
There are two smoothing methods available:
The Polynomial Approximation with Exponential Kernel (PAEK) method (PAEK in Python) smooths lines based on a smoothing tolerance. Each smoothed line may have more vertices than its source line. The Smoothing Tolerance parameter controls the length of a moving path used in calculating the new vertices. The shorter the length, the more detail that will be preserved and the longer the processing time.
The Bezier interpolation method (BEZIER_INTERPOLATION in Python) smooths lines without using a tolerance by creating approximated Bezier curves to match the input lines.
Use the Input barrier layers parameter to identify features that must not be crossed by smoothed lines. Barrier features can be points, lines, or polygons.

Processing large datasets may exceed memory limitations. In such cases, consider processing input data by partition by identifying a relevant polygon feature class in the Cartographic Partitions environment setting. Portions of the data, defined by partition boundaries, will be processed sequentially. The resulting feature class will be seamless and consistent at partition edges. See Generalizing large datasets using partitions for more information.

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