Challenger Orianna but I am the Most Valuable Player

Описание к видео Challenger Orianna but I am the Most Valuable Player

  / zianni  

Orianna Guide:
   • The Ultimate Orianna Guide, Runes, It...  


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#Challenger #Orianna #Mid

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loltyler1, Tyler1, Yassuo, Faker, Nightblue3, Boxbox, Voyboy, PantsAreDragon, ProfessorAkali, Midbeast, Perkz, Doublelift, Yamikaze, Ikeepittaco, Gamergirl, LLStylish, Trick2g, TFBlade, Gosu, Foggedftw2, Bunnyfufuu, Katevolved, Thebausffs, TSM, Cloud9, 100T, Bobqinxd, pekinwoof, vicksy, sneaky, erick dota, Zianni, Orianna guide, how to play orianna, challenger, best orianna, orianna build, orianna tips, orianna tricks, ori, cassiopeia, Seraphine, Guide, Build, Tricks, Tips, Coaching, Season 12, Ori Guide, Orianna Guide, League Guide, S12 Guide


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