HO Scale Tri-Rail and GO Transit Bombardier BiLevels sharing the same track (3.15.23)

Описание к видео HO Scale Tri-Rail and GO Transit Bombardier BiLevels sharing the same track (3.15.23)

Ran my 1989 original livery Tri-Rail on the club layout (South Florida Railway Museum) for the first time. Had some fun as club member Zachary was running his GO Transit consist that same night. Some great train meets happened along the way.

For those who don’t know, when Tri-Rail first started in 1989, their BiLevels had GO Transit (Government of Ontario Transit) from Toronto livery colors with the Tri-Rail logo in place of the GO logo.

Zachary’s GO Transit set was an all Rapido Trains affair, with the #559 F59PH in charge of the 6 Bombardier BiLevel coaches, and my Tri-Rail set was a Walthers F40PHR-3C #810 in charge of 4 Rapido Bombardier BiLevels.

What I need to go next is run both of my Tri-Rail sets (1989-1999 livery; 2000-preent livery) on the layout at the same time.

The South Farmington Station building style on the layout fit right in with the Toronto metropolitan area. Brought back memories from the 1980s of taking the GO Transit between Mississauga and Downtown Toronto.


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