10 Most Popular Museums in Stockholm

Описание к видео 10 Most Popular Museums in Stockholm

Here are 10 of the most popular museums in Stockholm. Here's a list of them for more information:

Vasa Museum: https://www.vasamuseet.se/en
Skansen: https://www.skansen.se/en/levande-his...
Fotografiska: https://www.fotografiska.com/
ABBA the Museum: https://abbathemuseum.com/en/
Royal Palace: https://www.kungligaslotten.se/englis...
Swedish History Museum: https://shm.se/en/
Nobel Prize Museum: https://nobelprizemuseum.se/en/
The Modern Museum: https://www.modernamuseet.se/stockhol...
Nordic Museum: https://www.nordicmuseum.org/
The Royal Armoury: https://livrustkammaren.se/en

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Outro graphics by Oliver Holmgren & Erica Svejderud
Music used with permission from Epidemic Sound

-Martin in Sweden


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