一平方公里居住30萬人?廣州最大城中城石牌300,000 people live in one square kilometer. Guangzhou's largest city in Shipai

Описание к видео 一平方公里居住30萬人?廣州最大城中城石牌300,000 people live in one square kilometer. Guangzhou's largest city in Shipai

广州石牌村是广州最大的城中村,黄金地段居住人口密集,环境嘈杂。狭窄。卫生条件堪忧。他们是如何生活的?本篇详细地带你参观他们的生活和居住环境。Guangzhou Shipai Village is the largest urban village in Guangzhou. It is densely populated and noisy in a prime location. Narrow. The sanitary conditions are worrying. How do they live? This article will take you to visit their life and living environment in detail.


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