SHAHID KHAN | Raga Bageshree

Описание к видео SHAHID KHAN | Raga Bageshree

Ustad Shahid Khan - sarod
Ustad Ilmas Khan - tabla

Raga Bageshree: Alap & Gats in Teental

Ustad Shahid Khan was born in 1938 as the eldest son of Ust. Umar Khan. Besides the training from his father he received further taleem from his uncle sitar player Ust. Ilyas Khan, his grandfather Ust. Sakhawat Hussain Khan and his maternal uncle Ust.Ishtiaque Ahmed Khan. Most of his life he worked as staff artist for Doordarshan/Lucknow. He has retired from musical performances many years ago and lives in Lucknow.

Audio recording & pictures from the archive of Ust. Irfan Khan.

The tabla player in the first photo has not been identified, in the second picture Shahid ji is playing tanpura for his uncle and Ustad Ilyas Khan Saheb, the third picture is a recent click together with his younger brother Ustad Irfan MD Khan.


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