COP27 | Blue Finance – Unlocking the Potential of the Blue Economy

Описание к видео COP27 | Blue Finance – Unlocking the Potential of the Blue Economy

The objective of this panel discussion is to explore the blue economy—how it is defined, what it encompasses, and what/where is driving the demand. The panel discussion will also explore momentum for blue finance among investors, financial institutions, and issuers globally, as well as climate-smart investing in biodiversity—and how MDBs and others are responding to this increasing demand.

WORLD BANK GROUP AT COP27 | LIVE FROM SHARM EL SHEIKH, EGYPT | NOVEMBER 6–18, 2022: The United Nations Climate Change Conference is expected to focus on the need to implement climate pledges, scale up climate finance, and address the adaptation needs of developing countries. COP27 will bring together leaders and national delegations, representatives from businesses, multilateral institutions, civil society and youth. Follow a series of high-level conversations live from the World Bank Group pavilion at the 27th United Nations Climate Change Conference in Sharm El Sheikh. Join us! Learn more: #ClimateActionWBG


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