
Описание к видео #FAVES2024

Disclaimer: All content on my channel is intended for adults.

Thank you to ‪@jazzydoodledesigns‬ for creating the tag and to ‪@jicolourist‬ for tagging me! If anyone has a channel but hasn't yet been tagged, considered yourself tagged by me. :) I've listed the questions below - please make sure to tag ‪@jazzydoodledesigns‬ in your video description!

#Faves2024 Colouring Tag questions:
25 quirky things about me
1. What are your two favourite Prismacolor colours? Not necessarily to colour with but in general.
2. What is your favourite naughty snack? You know the one that is unhealthy, but tastes so good.
3. What is your favourite pastime outside of colouring?
4. What is your favourite Disney character?
5. What is your favourite season of the year and something you do only during that season?
6. What is your favourite drink? Alcohol, no alcohol, special or daily; you choose.
7. What is your favourite quote that inspires you or moves you in some way?
8. What is your favourite colouring style? Detailed, simple, colour by number, cute, horror etc.
9. What is your favourite book genre?
10. What is your favourite movie, one you can watch over and over again?
11. What are your favourite pizza toppings?
12. What is your favourite song that moves you? Can move you emotionally or physically.
13. What is your favourite scent?
14. What is your favourite character in a movie or TV series? Why?
15. What is your favourite way to pamper yourself?
16. What is your favourite room in the house?
17. What is your favourite fictional world?
18. What is your favourite take out/delivery?
19. What is your favourite flower?
20. What is your favourite place to wander? Can be indoors or outdoors.
21. What is your favourite relationship advice?
22. What is your favourite thing you share with your significant other? Activity, hobby, food etc
23. What is your favourite thing to do to annoy your significant other?
24. What is your favourite indulgence? It can be anything that strikes your fancy.
25. What is your favourite thing to do on your channel?

If anyone has any questions about anything they see in the video or would just like to say hello, please pop down to the comment section below!

Thank you for watching! Keep calm and colour on! :)




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