Описание к видео highest AMOUNT OF ELECTRICITY GENERATED FROM COAL worldwide

Electricity is generated from coal through a process that converts the chemical energy in coal into electrical energy:
1. Coal preparation
Coal is milled into a fine powder to increase its surface area and burn more quickly.
2. Combustion
The powdered coal is burned in a boiler at high temperatures, producing hot gases and heat energy.
3. Steam generation
The heat energy converts water in the boiler tubes into steam.
4. Turbine rotation
The high-pressure steam spins a turbine with thousands of propeller-like blades, causing the turbine shaft to rotate.
5. Electricity generation
A generator mounted on the turbine shaft generates electricity when its wire coils rotate rapidly in a strong magnetic field.
6. Steam condensation
The steam passes through the turbine and is condensed back into water, which is then returned to the boiler to start the process again.
Coal-fired power plants are a type of fossil fuel power station. In the United States, coal accounted for about 19.5% of electricity generation in 2022


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