scarlet devil breaks calamity mod endgame

Описание к видео scarlet devil breaks calamity mod endgame

scarlet devil is overpowered, i know its a post-supreme calamitas weapon, but it literally melts bosses in boss rush.

ImmuneCell helped inspire me to make this video
ImmuneCell's video:    • Terraria Calamity | Boss Rush Scarlet...  
ImmuneCell's channel:    / @immunecell5943  

The Scarlet Devil is a craftable post-Moon Lord developer javelin. It fires an extremely-high velocity spear that leaves behind projectiles as it travels. The projectiles are not affected by gravity and home in on nearby enemies slightly after being spawned. Upon contact with an enemy, the spear creates a Scarlet Blast which rapidly damages any enemy caught in its blast radius. The spear and its projectiles can travel through blocks and only hit one enemy.
Performing a stealth strike with the Scarlet Devil will cause the next spear thrown to grant the player lifesteal.
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#Terraria #Calamity

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Musics used in this video:
1. Stardew Valley OST - The Stardrop Saloon
2. Stardew Valley OST - Journey of the Prairie King - Overworld

Terraria is an action-adventure sandbox platformer game developed by Re-Logic.
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The Calamity Mod is a large content mod for Terraria which adds many hours of endgame content and dozens of enemies and bosses dispersed throughout the vanilla game's progression. The Calamity Mod also features several harder difficulty modes, five new biomes and new structures, a new class, a new leveling mechanic, more than thirty new songs, over fifty recipes for previously uncraftable vanilla items and other assorted changes to vanilla gameplay.


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