Footloose - For Fun - Dogs Living Fancy Free

Описание к видео Footloose - For Fun - Dogs Living Fancy Free

It’s Sunday here at the farm and with a little Footloose for inspiration and ‘kick off your Sunday shoes’ in mind, here’s a video just for fun.

We haven’t brought out the old songs for a while, because we don’t get paid anything when we use them … but I do love them.

Nothing boring about ‘a dog’s life’ here at the farm. No matter if you’re deaf, a little blind, got anger issues, have to wear a nappy, got a bodgy immune system, just want to bite everything in sight, your back legs are failing you, your brain doesn’t work quite the way it should, you were born with boy and girl parts, previously abused, abandoned more than once, twice, three times even … or stolen from the wild. Or even born a cat but think you’re a dog. It doesn’t matter. Farm is home. And home is fun and filled with love. And no one is ever left behind.

Happy Sunday everyone ❤️


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