Cay Horstmann — Concurrency For Humans

Описание к видео Cay Horstmann — Concurrency For Humans

Ближайшая конференция — Joker 2024, 9 октября (Online), 15–16 октября (Санкт-Петербург + трансляция).
Подробности и билеты:
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. . . . When you open the concurrency chapter of your favorite Java book, you'll learn about threads, synchronized methods, wait, and notify. But that's not how you should write concurrent code. As you will see in this talk, you should think in terms of tasks, not threads. Use threadsafe data structures and parallel streams, and use them correctly. And embrace asynchronous processing. The talk shows how the Java standard library gives you all the tools you need for common coding patterns, without ever having to resort to locks or conditions.


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