How to draw a line of best fit by eye on a scatterplot (with example)

Описание к видео How to draw a line of best fit by eye on a scatterplot (with example)

© The Maths Studio (

When drawing the line of best fit on a scatterplot, draw the line such that roughly half the points lie above the line and half below.

The distance between the points and the line of best fit should also be minimised.

When determining the equation of the line, choose two points on the line (the further apart, the better) to determine the gradient m and the y-intercept c.

Do not use any of the actual points on the scatterplot unless those points happen to lie on the line of best fit you just drew. Hint: Use a plastic (clear) ruler where possible so you can see the points under the ruler you are trying to fit a line to.


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