Seminar: Non-Terrestrial Networks in beyond 5G

Описание к видео Seminar: Non-Terrestrial Networks in beyond 5G

By Beatriz Soret

Bio: Beatriz Soret received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degree in Telecommunications from the Universidad de Malaga (Spain), in 2002 and 2010, respectively. She is currently an associate professor at the Department of Electronic Systems, Aalborg University (Denmark). Before, she has been with Nokia Bell-Labs and GomSpace. She has co-authored more than 70 publications in journals and conference proceedings, with a Best Paper Award in IEEE Globecom 2013. She holds 16 patents in the area of wireless communications. Her research interests are within satellite communications with LEO constellations, low-latency communications and Age of Information, IoT connectivity, and 5G and post-5G systems.

Abstract: The next frontier towards truly ubiquitous connectivity is the integration of Non-Terrestrial Networks (NTN) into 5G networks and beyond. Specifically, the use of Low Earth Orbits (LEO) together with the small satellite technology is a game changer that opens new innovation opportunities while posing major challenges to the design and performance of the communication network. This talk provides a comprehensive overview of NTN, with special focus on LEO constellations, and its essential architectural and technological components.


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