Changing Your Thinking Can Change Your Life | Part 1: Mastermind

Описание к видео Changing Your Thinking Can Change Your Life | Part 1: Mastermind

Too often we’re prisoners to our own thoughts: Those voices telling us to worry, that we aren’t good enough, or that we can’t ever change our behavior. Do you feel trapped by anxiety? Pastor Craig Groeschel says that “Your life is always moving in the direction of your strongest thoughts.” This means that what you think about the most can actually come out in your life. But, when we live in God’s truth, we can wage war on the toxic thoughts that hold us down. We can take captive our negative thoughts and replace them with God’s truth to win the war in our minds.

In this message from part 1 of Liquid Church’s series, Mastermind, Pastor Tim Lucas identifies some of the mental strongholds that hold us back and offers a tool to break them. We pray that, through the healing power of Christ and some practical applications, this message helps you retrain your brain to become the person God designed you to be.

Mastermind Series | Pastor Tim Lucas | Liquid Church

#Thoughts #Anxiety #MentalHealth #Thinking #ThoughtProcess #Meditate #Scripture #Mastermind #LiquidChurch #TimLucas #Christianity #ChristianChurch

Liquid Church exists to build people up with God’s hope and love. We are a non-denominational Christian Church and all are welcome - we’re the perfect place for imperfect people! Founded in 2007 by Lead Pastor Tim Lucas, Liquid Church is one of the fastest-growing churches in the country, with physical locations all around New Jersey. Learn more at
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