鄭子太極拳三十七勢 Cheng Man Ching Tai Chi – 37 Form

Описание к видео 鄭子太極拳三十七勢 Cheng Man Ching Tai Chi – 37 Form

繁體: 鄭子太極拳為鄭曼青大師 (1902-1975) 所創編。套路設計的每一個動作乃依照拳理和拳法,虛實分明,姿勢鬆柔,周身輕靈,用意不用力,順乎自然,所以非常適合男女老少各個年齡層的運動。現由林明秀老師演示這套拳法。
简体: 郑子太极拳为郑曼青大师 (1902-1975) 所创编。套路设计的每一个动作乃依照拳理和拳法,虚实分明,姿势松柔,周身轻灵,用意不用力,顺乎自然,所以非常适合男女老少各个年龄层的运动。现由林明秀老师演示这套拳法。
English: Cheng Man Ching Tai Chi was created and compiled by Master Zheng Manqing (1902-1975). Each movement designed in the routine is based on Quan's theory and method. Vain and solid are distinct. The posture is loose and flexible. The whole body is light and dexterous. It is to use the mind naturally without exerting force. Therefore, it is very suitable for men, women and children of all ages. This set of form is demonstrated by Master, Lin Min Shiou now.


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