What is the best type of ski footbed for you?

Описание к видео What is the best type of ski footbed for you?

What is the best type of footbed for your ski boot? We think it depends on many things. There are a variety of ideas out there on what is the best setup. So to help in figuring this out and allowing for all of us individuals to find what works best for us, Brent Amsbury joins Tom Gellie to discuss creating what Brent calls a “test bed”.

The information in this video is not gospel and is shared to help you the skier go through a process of testing and feeling what works for you. It’s best to do this in conjunction with a ski boot fitter as the best result will come from a collaboration as opposed to being one sided. You also do so at your own risk. We take no responsibility for the outcomes so please be careful and listen to Brent’s advice on “a little goes a long way”.

We hope you enjoy the information shared and it leads to a better skiing experience and also a better collaboration with your ski boot fitter.


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