Mix Salan Masala Recipe by Tahir Mehmood Food Secrets

Описание к видео Mix Salan Masala Recipe by Tahir Mehmood Food Secrets

Hello Guys Note 1KG Recipe For Home Kitchen & Cooking
coriander Seeds:. . . . . . 200g
Brown Onion....................150g
Mix Garam masala..........50g
Cumin Seeds....................25g
Red Chilli Powder............100g
Chicken Powder...............150g
Food color oringe............1 tbl spn
Food color red..................1 tb spn

Grand to All Spices
After Granding and Add

Black Paper.....................2 tbl spn
Cumin Seeds..................2 tbl spn
Cloves............................ 1 tbl spn
Mix well and add 1kg recipe 4 tbl spn then you cook daal vegetable every salish dish/salan dont add biryani and karhai...

if you make half kg 500g keep half this all writen agreduance.



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